He mentions that other religions were happy when others were persecuted and killed, but thats exactly how they talk about Armageddon and Babylon the Great being destroyed.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
New David Splane Video: No 1900 Year Faithful Slave
by FusionTheism ingoverning body member david splane has a new video on tv.jw.org where he talks about all the horrible things committed by martin luther and the protestant reformers.. his conclusion is that there has been no faithful and discreet slave on the earth during the past 1900 years (before 1919 i guess.).
he also says that maybe there were a few anointed on earth, maybe not.. he did add an interesting statement that he doesn't condemn the other churches just for misunderstanding the bible because the society has done that.. another odd point, was that he actually mentioned catholic missionary work in a somewhat positive light, while totally condemning the reformation views on predestination..
Brokeback Watchtower
That's because he's in denial and has shadow projection identical/like to that Hitler had with the Jews. Everything that Hilter proclaimed evil about the Jews were shadow projections of the evil that was running rampant in the Natzi party. That what happens when your thinking gets all compartmentalized and you won't recognize your own evil nature due to denial. -
The Devouring Mother Archetype(jungian) And the Watchtower Corporation's Self Identification As Mother And Jehovah As Father
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe devouring mother must be always listen to and obeyed it is the negative side of the anima image and it rules over the watchtower corporation.
jehovah(corporation's imaginary sock puppet) is the father figure with his masculine macho swagger he gains victory over every detractor and his huge narcissistic personality demands exclusive devotion from everyone or it's the death penalty, he suffers from an inflated ego and has a very dark and evil shadow due to denial of his dark nature/satan(scape goat).
the children or rank and file pee on dedicated members of the corporation must now engage in worthless pursuits to satisfy a mood swinging domineering mother and a murderous self righteous father all the while being shown a very contemptible form of conditional love, accompanied with constant death threat reminders and a carrot on a sting to keep them focused on such and busy with worthless pursuits for a hopeless cause.
Brokeback Watchtower
The devouring mother must be always listen to and obeyed it is the negative side of the anima image and it rules over the Watchtower Corporation. Jehovah(corporation's imaginary sock puppet) is the father figure with his masculine macho swagger he gains victory over every detractor and his huge narcissistic personality demands exclusive devotion from everyone or it's the death penalty, he suffers from an inflated ego and has a very dark and evil shadow due to denial of his dark nature/Satan(scape goat).
The children or rank and file pee on dedicated members of the corporation must now engage in worthless pursuits to satisfy a mood swinging domineering mother and a murderous self righteous father all the while being shown a very contemptible form of conditional love, accompanied with constant death threat reminders and a carrot on a sting to keep them focused on such and busy with worthless pursuits for a hopeless cause. A real master piece of manipulation.
A truely non functional family if ever there was and lets not talk about mistreatment of the grand children who are farmed out to work in a mom&pop business of selling books,cheap magazines, and construction work even while a dedicated minor.
The most known anima image is the mother archetype. It rules over the mother-son relationship. Therefore it is projected onto the mother image. We know of such female figures from the cultural and religious themes. Virgin Mary or Mother Earth and other such mythical figures may lead us to the mother archetype.
Just like any archetype, the mother archetype has a positive as well as negative side. Her positive side is the birthing, nurturing and care giving, the comfort she brings to all souls as the Holly Virgin. She is ready to sacrifice her life for the sake of her child. Or she is the savior of the decayed men - The Sophia or the Wisdom of God from the Gnostic mythology.
The other side, the negative one, is the devouring mother, depicted in such images as animals of feminine nature such as Gorgon. A few words about the Gorgon:
In Greek mythology, a Gorgon [...] is a female creature. The name derives from the ancient Greek word gorgós, which means "dreadful". While descriptions of Gorgons vary across Greek literature and occur in the earliest examples of Greek literature, the term commonly refers to any of three sisters who had hair made of living, venomous snakes, as well as a horrifying visage that turned those who beheld her to stone. Traditionally, while two of the Gorgons were immortal, Stheno and Euryale, their sister Medusa was not, and she was slain by the demigod and hero Perseus. (From Wikipedia)
Gorgons lead also to the seductive aspect of mother-son relationship. This is a very dangerous situation as the son will never be able to free himself from his mother eros thus being doomed to the psychological death or the loss of his capability to evolve, from child to mature person.
Carl Jung used to illustrate the destructive mother figure reminding us of She(That Must Be Obeyed), the heroine of the Rider Haggard's well-known novel.
Let me conclude with the phallic mother, a figure closer to the girl psychological history. She is the one who gave her daughter the envied penis. As such she appears in the daughters' dreams and fantasies.
In relationship with the boy this figure represents a mixture of father and mother archetypes. Its constellation may be linked with the missing of the natural father in the son's life and the compensation it should bring.nn
New David Splane Video: No 1900 Year Faithful Slave
by FusionTheism ingoverning body member david splane has a new video on tv.jw.org where he talks about all the horrible things committed by martin luther and the protestant reformers.. his conclusion is that there has been no faithful and discreet slave on the earth during the past 1900 years (before 1919 i guess.).
he also says that maybe there were a few anointed on earth, maybe not.. he did add an interesting statement that he doesn't condemn the other churches just for misunderstanding the bible because the society has done that.. another odd point, was that he actually mentioned catholic missionary work in a somewhat positive light, while totally condemning the reformation views on predestination..
Brokeback Watchtower
I think this video about dream interpatation and the Jungian shadow offers some good insight about these GB's and their shadow repression which brings about some great hypocrisy in own badness which is hidden from their own consciousness.
Interesting part starts at 22 minutes to 28 minutes of course I feel this whole series of videos gives some great insights. Von Franz studied under Carl Jung.
New David Splane Video: No 1900 Year Faithful Slave
by FusionTheism ingoverning body member david splane has a new video on tv.jw.org where he talks about all the horrible things committed by martin luther and the protestant reformers.. his conclusion is that there has been no faithful and discreet slave on the earth during the past 1900 years (before 1919 i guess.).
he also says that maybe there were a few anointed on earth, maybe not.. he did add an interesting statement that he doesn't condemn the other churches just for misunderstanding the bible because the society has done that.. another odd point, was that he actually mentioned catholic missionary work in a somewhat positive light, while totally condemning the reformation views on predestination..
Brokeback Watchtower
Listening to his talk I see lots of compartmentalization going on in his reasoning which results in the pot calling the kettle black. The very same things he uses to call into question the other competing religions form of worship as unacceptable he completely ignores as happening with the Watchtower's corporate religion.
Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.
Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self states.
Compartmentalization may lead to hidden vulnerabilities in those who use it as a major defense mechanism.[6]
Those suffering from borderline personality disorder will often divide people into all good versus all bad, to avoid the conflicts removing the compartments would inevitably bring, usingdenial or indifference to protect against any indications of contradictory evidence.[7]
Using indifference towards a better viewpoint is a normal and common example of this. It can be caused by someone having used multiple compartment ideals and having been uncomfortable with modifying them, at risk of being found incorrect. This often causes double-standards, and bias.[citation neede -
Governing Body Mandating That Parents Shun DF'd Preteens Baptized Children Will Hurt Them Big Time In The Courts
by Brokeback Watchtower inas the bad conduct of the governing body becomes widely known to both judge and jury i expect that will make lawsuits more profitable against them and easier wins against them and more plentiful.. i think probably one of the most damming videos out there on the net is the one where the parents show their loyalty to the wt corporation and shun their own flesh and blood in obedience to it cruel directives.
this video truely shows that the governing body don't give a shit about the children who symbolize their dedication to the corporation or their parents.. such a self serving corporation that uses it members for profits only and offer nothing in return no matter how much how much they claim otherwise.
they can't hide this it is plain as day so no matter how much they claim they are concerned about the youth in the organization their action thunder loudly and can not be hiden under a basket.
Brokeback Watchtower
One thing that this experience show a prime example of is Parental Toxic Love. As the WT organization like to be called our mother(a witch bitch is more like it) she is a sterling example of a mother who is never happy with what the children do and always wants them to do more, uses guilt to manipulate, and will kick you to the curb or throw you under the bus if it means a benefit for her.
Remember what the mother said. She said is always saying to her own flesh and blood children about how very conditional her love is towards them which in itself is a form abuse to be remind over and over again by a nagging mom about how she will leave you twisting in the wind if you leave the WT corporation/sock puppet imaginary corporate Jehovah.
As much as we wish they were different. As much as we long to believe that they do really love us and care about us and will be there for us, when you have a toxic parent, there will come a day when you have to face the facts.
Our relationship with them is full of emotional, physical and spiritual poison and it feels like it’s killing us.
By definition, any toxic relationship is primarily characterized by actions and behaviours that are emotionally damaging. It is riddled with feelings of guilt, insecurity, self-centredness, control, manipulation, insult and threat.
A healthy relationship is one where there is mutual love, caring, respect and compassion, where there is care for the welfare and well-being of the other, where we feel loved and accepted for who we are and the relationship feels SAFE.
A toxic relationship does NOT feel safe.
It feels anxious and destructive and drains us emotionally, physically and spiritually.
It feels like a burden, an obligation and a trap and because it’s our parents, it’s not generally a relationship that we talk about or even consider ending.
It’s acceptable to divorce your partner, it’s acceptable and encouraged to leave any sort of toxic, abusive relationship in fact, it is actively encouraged, EXCEPT when the toxic person is your parent.https://www.psychologytoday.com/collections/201402/toxic-love/toxic-relationships-health-hazard
Regardless of the degree of toxicity in your relationship - if it’s unhealthy it’s time to fix it, or get out of it! So how do you know if your relationship is toxic? Consider the following tips and questions whole heartedly to understand and prepare yourself. Follow the steps below to free yourself, if you already know the answer.
Emotions are Information:
How do you feel when you are with your significant other? Notice whether you are feeling happy and loved, or criticized and controlled. A healthy relationship is filled with openness, mutual support, respect, positive regard, and exploration. A toxic relationship is stifled, judgmental, critical, and filled with mockery. Are you being put down, or lifted up? Constructive criticism comes from a place of love and is intended to help. Belittling is meant to take away one's power and inner strength.
Be Your Authentic Self:
In a healthy relationship it’s safe and easy to be your true self. Each person’s thoughts, opinions, and aspirations are important, valued, and supported by the other. Communication is honest and open. Conversations are free and based on ideas,dreams, and shared responsibilities. In a toxic relationship, one person feels stifled. Their dreams and life goals are squashed, irrelevant, unimportant, and often get sacrificed for the sake of the other. Their true self is denied and feels atrophied. -
New David Splane Video: No 1900 Year Faithful Slave
by FusionTheism ingoverning body member david splane has a new video on tv.jw.org where he talks about all the horrible things committed by martin luther and the protestant reformers.. his conclusion is that there has been no faithful and discreet slave on the earth during the past 1900 years (before 1919 i guess.).
he also says that maybe there were a few anointed on earth, maybe not.. he did add an interesting statement that he doesn't condemn the other churches just for misunderstanding the bible because the society has done that.. another odd point, was that he actually mentioned catholic missionary work in a somewhat positive light, while totally condemning the reformation views on predestination..
Brokeback Watchtower
I think Splane(bullet head.22long) long narrow brain encasement(skull with a pea size brain) is a prime example of fundy brain shrinkage.
The guy has got a narrow skull to match his narrow minded delusional condition.
He nothing but a scum sucking pencil neck Watchtower Geek:
Governing Body Mandating That Parents Shun DF'd Preteens Baptized Children Will Hurt Them Big Time In The Courts
by Brokeback Watchtower inas the bad conduct of the governing body becomes widely known to both judge and jury i expect that will make lawsuits more profitable against them and easier wins against them and more plentiful.. i think probably one of the most damming videos out there on the net is the one where the parents show their loyalty to the wt corporation and shun their own flesh and blood in obedience to it cruel directives.
this video truely shows that the governing body don't give a shit about the children who symbolize their dedication to the corporation or their parents.. such a self serving corporation that uses it members for profits only and offer nothing in return no matter how much how much they claim otherwise.
they can't hide this it is plain as day so no matter how much they claim they are concerned about the youth in the organization their action thunder loudly and can not be hiden under a basket.
Brokeback Watchtower
Good one I didn't think of that
At the very least, such videos should be shown in every child custody / divorce case where one parent is a JW and one is not.
Governing Body Mandating That Parents Shun DF'd Preteens Baptized Children Will Hurt Them Big Time In The Courts
by Brokeback Watchtower inas the bad conduct of the governing body becomes widely known to both judge and jury i expect that will make lawsuits more profitable against them and easier wins against them and more plentiful.. i think probably one of the most damming videos out there on the net is the one where the parents show their loyalty to the wt corporation and shun their own flesh and blood in obedience to it cruel directives.
this video truely shows that the governing body don't give a shit about the children who symbolize their dedication to the corporation or their parents.. such a self serving corporation that uses it members for profits only and offer nothing in return no matter how much how much they claim otherwise.
they can't hide this it is plain as day so no matter how much they claim they are concerned about the youth in the organization their action thunder loudly and can not be hiden under a basket.
Brokeback Watchtower
As the bad conduct of the Governing Body becomes widely known to both Judge and Jury I expect that will make lawsuits more profitable against them and easier wins against them and more plentiful.
I think probably one of the most damming videos out there on the net is the one where the parents show their loyalty to the WT corporation and shun their own flesh and blood in obedience to it cruel directives. This video truely shows that the Governing Body don't give a shit about the children who symbolize their dedication to the corporation or their parents.
Such a self serving Corporation that uses it members for profits only and offer nothing in return no matter how much how much they claim otherwise. They can't hide this it is plain as day so no matter how much they claim they are concerned about the youth in the organization their action thunder loudly and can not be hiden under a basket.
2015 convention interviewer praises parents who shunned their kid
by defender of truth inwhat was it that moved your child to return to jehovah?
asks the speaker.. .
well it was the missed association with the family, says brenda sutton proudly and unflinchingly.. andd heres why, i had always told our kids... i would die for you, i love you, would die for you, but if you ever leave jehovah i wouldnt be there.
Brokeback Watchtower
Those parents need to seriously get some psychotherapy that damage the WT corporation does to families with their demanding exclusive devotion from the rank and file JW is unmeasurable.
This Corporation with it's LIsten Obey and Be Blessed matra sung repeatedly and shamelessly at indoctrination meetings seems to be a sort of theme song for Lemming matching off a cliff. Listen & Obey shun your own flesh and blood at our command.
Actually the Governing Body composing some mythical Faithful & Discreet Slave it totally beyond their character description, they more fit Wicked Witch archetype muttering Listen & Obey:
Cart Witnessing - Thrilling! Productive! Epic! Er.....um, well, not so much.....
by sir82 intalked with a pioneer recently, she was recounting her first experience with cart witnessing.. she brought the subject up, was going on & on & on & on about how wonderful the experience was, and how great, and how she enjoyed it so much, and it was so wonderful, and oh jehovah's blessing, and on and on and on...... a few questions to her revealed what really happened:.
-- a jw who owns a small restaurant in a strip mall allows jws to set up their cart outside his restaurant.
-- the restaurant is tucked pretty far out of the way, not prominent at all.
Brokeback Watchtower
The JW cart witnessing is a total waste of time it brings in no money, makes the religion/corporation look stupid and hopeless.
Who in their right mind wants to even be seen standing next to one and the possibility of appostates approaching and getting in a conversation puts the brain dead cart baby sitter in a better position to leave this god forsaken cult what on earth was the GB thinking in endorsing or allowing this to continue.